While the global capitalist system is dragging the world into ever more war and misery, those who refuse to take sides in these wars and fight to end the system that causes them, are still few and far between. So it is a promising sign that this summer several extended meetings of internationalist revolutionaries from many different countries were organized in Europe. in early June, on the last day of the anti-war congress in Prague, we agreed on the need of a short statement on capitalism and war that expresses our common positions and can serve as a base for further networking and common action. This statement was drafted after the congress ended. It was discussed, amended and approved at the internationalist meeting in Arezzo where the hope was expressed that it will be further discussed by the participants of the Prague congress and those who will gather in Poznan later this month. Continue reading “Internationalist Statement Against Capitalism and War from the revolutionist gathering in Arezzo, Italy, June 2024”
The left of capital is sabotaging the anarchist movement: let’s fight back!
Soon after the escalation of the war in Ukraine, two completely different tendencies began to emerge under the banner of anarchy. One tendency insists that all inter-state wars are wars of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat, and therefore our participation in them cannot benefit the interests of the exploited class. The other tendency focuses on material, ideological and propaganda work in support of Ukraine’s state war effort and it sees such an approach as a pragmatic step for future self-organization.
Continue reading “The left of capital is sabotaging the anarchist movement: let’s fight back!”
Against Capitalist Wars and Against Capitalist Peace!
A spectator is haunting Europe and beyond. The once organised resistance to war and the oppression of our class now largely sits back watching.
Paralysed by cowardice and confusion, or complicit in the narrative of capitalist imperialism that pitches worker against worker – ‘some wars before the class war’.
This paralysis arises from the fiction that those who support some wars and conflicts, and consequently the state, and internationalists who oppose all wars and all states can coexist to preserve a false unity.
This false unity must be broken in the interests of our class. War is upon us now and our struggle against it is our most urgent task!
In Ukraine and Russia, in Gaza and Israel, in Ethiopia, Tigray, the US and Iran, from the People’s Republic of China to Yemen, Sudan or Myanmar, our class has no nation!
On the home front and internationally: Refuse their Social Peace and their drive to global war! No War But The Class War!
List of Groups who signed the declaration:
- ACN [AnarCom Network] (UK)
- ČAS (Czechia and Slovakian)
- KRAS – AIT (Russian)
- AMI [Anti Militarist Initiative] (International Network)
- AXA (Hungary)
- IWW Poland ROC {RKC} (Poland)
- Don’t be silent – Odessa (Ukraine)
- CNT– AIT France
- ASI – AIT (Serbia)
- ACG (UK)
- Konflikt (Bulgaria)
Report from Action week and the anti-war congress in Prague
We are publishing a report from AnarCom – an Anarchist-Communist network operating in the so-called UK. We respond to the controversial parts of the report with footnotes.
Continue reading “Report from Action week and the anti-war congress in Prague”
Information about the new space for the anti-war congress
We have made considerable efforts and probably managed to arrange alternative premises for the anti-war congress in Prague. We’ll have confirmation on Saturday morning. It’s in Prague Hostivař, so expect information on the blog, social media and hotline phone in the morning. If everything goes smoothly, we can start at 9:00 am. The venue has very limited capacity so we can’t guarantee we can fit everyone in. We have no other option now, so we have to accept at least this very limited one.
Anti-war congress will be held at a different location
We regret to announce that we have lost*the place where the anti-war congress was supposed to take place. The headmistress of the school in Jeseniova Street from which we rented two gymnasiums, tables, chairs and sanitary facilities told us that the event could not take place there and we would not be allowed to enter the buildings. We had*rented the premises since February 2024 and although we had not broken any of the conditions in the written contract, the director decided not to fulfil her obligations. We are taking the matter up with our attorney, but at the moment we are also focusing on obtaining alternative space for the convention. Please keep an eye on our blog and social media. We will post information about the replacement venue as soon as possible. We apologize to all attendees for any complications.
Internationalism – a guide to action or an excuse for inaction? To the start of the Prague Action Week 20-26 May

Nine points for further discussion from the anarchist newsletter of Kharkov. In some very, very eastern geography of the country, which until 2022 many would not even find on the map.
The French poster “They migrate, they squat, they herald spring” echoes the Afghan proverb that you can kill all the swallows, but you cannot stop the coming of spring. In our realities, these words take on a special meaning: the flight of serfs brings closer the collapse to the serfdom state, as hundreds of thousands of punishers, officials and deputies will have to go defend themselves
[(EN, FR, ES, DE)] – Statement on security issues and possible escalation of conflicts at the Action Week
The organizing team of the Action WEEK has been facing provocations and sabotages for a long time, which are supposed to complicate the organization of the anti-war activities, which will be IN PRAGUE organized by people from the regions of Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Spain, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Great Britain, the USA, Serbia, Switzerland…
As the deadline for the Action WEEK draws closer, we are watching the attacks of our opponents grow in intensity and fuel the escalation of an already conflicted atmosphere. And because we don’t want to underestimate possible provocations or aggression during the Week of Action, we are taking concrete security measures.
With this we want to strongly warn anyone who disrupts our actions in any way: we will defend our political space with all the means at our disposal. We will respond to aggression with active self-defence. It is clear what all this can mean, because, as is evident from our appeal, we are not pacifists, but revolutionaries. Anyone who ignores this warning will be held responsible for any escalation and the resulting consequences.
We publish a new article from our friends from Internationalist Perspective who accepted the invitation to the Action Week.
The student protests are a mixed signal. On the one hand, it is heartening that students in more than 160 colleges and universities in the US are protesting the war in Gaza, and do so with passion and courage. They have inspired many others in other countries and continents to join the fight against this outrageous mass murder. As the New York Times wrote recently, they think not only about Gaza. Continue reading “THE STUDENT PROTESTS: A MIXED SIGNAL”
Please accept these rules throughout the anti-war congress.
PROSÍME, PřijmětE tato pravidla po celou dobu konání protiválečného kongresu.
Akce Make Tattoo Not War je zrušena // Make Tattoo Not War is canceled
Aktualizace 18.5. 2024 – Akce nakonec proběhne a to v Baru Zahrada. Info zde: https://actionweek.noblogs.org/post/2024/05/18/solidarita-vitezi-make-tattoo-not-war-probehne/
Benefiční tetovací dýchánek Make Tattoo Not War asi neproběhne. Je to výsledek aktivní intervence členstva Anarchistické federace (AF) a jeho tlaku na kolektiv Safe space, který nám pro akci původně přislíbil prostor a později nám tuto možnost odebral.
Je nám líto, že akce pomáhající lidem postiženým válkou musí čelit intrikánství lidí, kteří si říkají anarchisté (myšleno AF), ale praktikují politiku sociální demokracie. Za to jaké pozice hájí jim je možná vděčná (nejen) ukrajinská buržoazie a hlavouni z NATO, ale nikoli tým Akčního týdne. Bližší informace k tomuto incidentu zveřejníme později.
The Make Tattoo Not War fundraiser for war refugees will probably not take place. This is the result of the active intervention of the membership of the Anarchist Federation (AF) and its pressure on the Safe Space collective, which initially promised us a space for the event and later took this opportunity away.
We regret that an action to help people affected by the war has to face the intrigue of people who call themselves anarchists (thinking of the AF) but practice the politics of social democracy. The Ukrainian bourgeoisie and NATO officers may be grateful for the positions they defend, but not the Action Week team. We will publish more information on this incident later.
- Action week má nově hotline. Můžete nás kontaktovat a dát nám dát dotazy ohledně programu, logistiky, ubytování atd.
- Action week has a new hotline. You can contact us with questions about the program, logistics, accommodation, etc.
Vojejte a pište SMS na tel. číslo: + 420 608 928 389
Fuck the war and enjoy the joy of sex
Stickers will also be available at the action week for a voluntary donation. The sticker size is 20 x 20 cm. All money collected will be sent to the deserters. Fuck the war and enjoy the joy of sex.
Dear comrades!
We in the KRAS-IWA, as heirs to the anarchist anti-militarist tradition of the 1915 Manifesto, welcome participants in the international conference who have gathered to speak out against capitalist war and capitalist so-called “peace” and to denounce the supposed leftists and pseudo-anarchists who take sides in the capitalist wars. We hope that this forum will be an important step in establishing practical interaction from below and across all organizational boundaries between all genuine anti-war and anti-militarist social revolutionary forces.
Unfortunately, the situation in this country and the difficulty of communication with foreign Europe do not give us the opportunity to directly participate in the conference. But in spirit we are with you. We are sending you a statement of our position on the issue of war and ask you to familiarize the conference participants with it.
Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives in post-Yugoslav countries (Antipolitika)
The discussion will be focused on trying to articulate an autonomous, anti-capitalist position against war and militarism. Relaying on the experience of the anarchist activities during the 90s’ wars on the theritory of the so-called yugoslavia, we will discuss ways in which the logic of war and its “normality” was and still can be escaped. We will also try to consider the consequences of war on various aspects of our existence such as gender roles, environment and other material conditions, and finally call for the connection of all struggles against the capitalist machinery which include fights against the military, against racist migration laws, gender-based violence, privatisation of higher education, extractivism and so on.
The lecturer and moderator will be: Antipolitika: anarchist journal from the balkansThe talk will be in English with translation into Czech.
Friday, May 24, 2024 at 8:00 pm
SK ZŠ Jeseniova
[SK Jeseniova Primary School]
Jeseniova 96/2400
130 00 Prague 3 – Žižkov
GPS: 50°5’16.378″N, 14°28’13.605″E
The event is part of an Anti-war congress
Des(s)ertion in Parukářka
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, as a part of the Action Week, Des(s)ertion will take place in Prague’s Park of Parukářka.
Continue reading “Des(s)ertion in Parukářka”
Protest in front of the headquarters of STV GROUP supporting the massacre (not only) in Gaza
As a part of the May Action Week, we are calling for a protest on Monday May 20th, 2024 in front of the headquarters of STV GROUP a.s. in Prague. STV Group materially supports the Israeli army that is massacring the people of Gaza. It is part of a war machine that is a profitable business and at the same time it brings destruction, death, misery, famine…
We will not remain silent when we know that thousands of miles away people like us are being murdered. We call for solidarity with them and will work to ensure that the massacres cannot continue. At the same time, we clearly declare our refusal to support nationalist tendencies that do not benefit the impoverished people of Gaza, but above all those who rule and exploit them. Our solidarity is directed towards our class brothers and sisters in Gaza who are under attacks by the Israeli army and, at the same time, under daily attacks by Palestinian capitalists, repressive forces, bureaucrats and religious fundamentalists.
The exploited and oppressed in Gaza have no common interest with those who exploit them at home, just as it is not in the interest of the exploited and oppressed in Israel that the bombing of Gaza continues. We are not calling for “national unity” or “national liberation struggle”, but rather for the dismantling of national unity, which always represents a false “unity” between the subjugated social class and the capitalist class that subjugates it.
The cracks in the nationalist construction help the exploited, regardless of national borders, to recognize their common interests and the need to unite against their exploiters in Gaza, Israel and all over the world. Let us together denounce the “external” aggression of the Israeli State, but also the “local” aggression that takes place under the Palestinian flag. Let’s take a stand against nationalism – Israeli, Palestinian or otherwise. Let’s disrupt the business of the STV Group, which is adding fuel to the heat of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, but also in other parts of the world.
- WHEN: Monday, May 20th, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
- WHERE: Hvězdova 1716/2b, Prague 4, Nusle (= near Pakrác metro station)
Make Tattoo Not War – fundraiser for war refugees
UPDATE 18. 5. 2024
The Make Tattoo Not War fundraiser for war refugees will probably not take place. This is the result of the active intervention of the membership of the Anarchist Federation (AF) and its pressure on the Safe Space collective, which initially promised us a space for the event and later took this opportunity away.
We regret that an action to help people affected by the war has to face the intrigue of people who call themselves anarchists (thinking of the AF) but practice the politics of social democracy. The Ukrainian bourgeoisie and NATO officers may be grateful for the positions they defend, but not the Action Week team. We will publish more information on this incident later.
As part of the Action Week, we will also focus on art forms of protest against wars, and we will link it directly to a collection for war refugees. On Wednesday 22 May 2024 there will be a fundraising tattoo event as part of the Make Tattoo Not War campaign.
We know tattoos can’t stop war. But people who flee war need the means to be able to escape and then live with dignity. We will provide the money we raise to the refugees that the Russian and Ukrainian states tried to involuntarily mobilize and send to the front. They fled to save their lives and to avoid having to thwart the lives of those on the other side of the war line.
WHEN: Wednesday 22 May 2024
WHERE: Safe Space Bookstore And Vegan Café (U Bozich Bojovniku C.p. 606, On The First Floor – Outside Stairs 130 00)
Interview with the Organising committee of the Action Week
For the week of 20-26 May, an organising committee (OC) is inviting radical opponents of war from all over Europe to a week of action and a conference “against capitalist wars and capitalist peace” in Prague. In an interview with Transmitter, the organisers explain the aim of this meeting and their view of the war in Ukraine and how various left-wing movements are dealing with it.
Continue reading “Interview with the Organising committee of the Action Week”
For a revolutionary anti-war position: lecture and moderated discussion
Civil peace within capitalism is not an alternative to imperialist war, but rather its source. National “liberation” and “self determination” are fodder for interstate competition. National “liberation” only leads to the founding of new capitalist states or national ” Autonomy” in existing ones (for example: Kurdish nationalism in Syria and Iraq) and is a toy of imperialism. We are against pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist anti-fascism. Social revolutionaries fight democracy uncompromisingly – just like all other forms of government Military coups and dictatorships, but never defend democracy. Only the class-struggle-revolutionary proletariat has the power to progressively end the imperialist wars by destroying capitalism.
This lecture and discussion will be moderated by: Antipolitical-Social Revolutionary Tendency (AST)
Translation into English and Czech will be provided
Saturday 25 May 2024 from 15:00 to 17:00
Jeseniova street 96/2400 (Anti-war congress)