Make Tattoo Not War – fundraiser for war refugees

UPDATE 18. 5. 2024

Solidarita vítězí, Make Tattoo Not War proběhne!

The Make Tattoo Not War fundraiser for war refugees will probably not take place. This is the result of the active intervention of the membership of the Anarchist Federation (AF) and its pressure on the Safe Space collective, which initially promised us a space for the event and later took this opportunity away.
We regret that an action to help people affected by the war has to face the intrigue of people who call themselves anarchists (thinking of the AF) but practice the politics of social democracy. The Ukrainian bourgeoisie and NATO officers may be grateful for the positions they defend, but not the Action Week team. We will publish more information on this incident later.


As part of the Action Week, we will also focus on art forms of protest against wars, and we will link it directly to a collection for war refugees. On Wednesday 22 May 2024 there will be a fundraising tattoo event as part of the Make Tattoo Not War campaign.

We know tattoos can’t stop war. But people who flee war need the means to be able to escape and then live with dignity. We will provide the money we raise to the refugees that the Russian and Ukrainian states tried to involuntarily mobilize and send to the front. They fled to save their lives and to avoid having to thwart the lives of those on the other side of the war line.

  • WHEN: Wednesday 22 May 2024
  • WHERE: Safe Space Bookstore And Vegan Café (U Bozich Bojovniku C.p. 606, On The First Floor – Outside Stairs 130 00)